

Being involved in a court case, either as a defendant, 一个受害者, 或者证人, 会有压力, 压倒性的, and sometimes confusing. Here's a list of some terms that may come up during the court process.


延期: Postponing a matter until a later date at the request of the defendant, 法官, or prosecuting attorney. Adjournments happen for many reasons. For example witnesses, 律师, or defendants having scheduling conflicts or are ill; yours is not the oldest case on that day's court docket; or necessary motions or legal issues have not been decided. 

Adjudication Hearing: A court proceeding in which the guilt or innocence of a juvenile offender is determined, 就像审判一样. If the offender pleads not guilty, the proceeding is similar to a trial with testimony, and evidence presented to the 法官 or jury.

提倡: A person who assists the victim with support, information, or resources.

吸引力: The process of having a higher court review a lower court's decisions and/or rulings.

提问: The defendant is brought before the court and read the charges against him. The defendant is then asked to plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest. Bond is set at this time.

授权: 检察官决定通过对被告提出正式刑事指控来起诉该案件.


台式试验: Trial before a 法官 without a jury.

Beyond A Reasonable Doubt: 合理怀疑是一项涉及检察官在审判中举证责任的法律标准. 一个无罪释放, or not-guilty verdict, 是在陪审团根据证据或证据不足的理由对被告的罪行有怀疑时提出的吗.

邦德: 保释金的目的是确保被告返回法庭,以便将来出庭,并确保公共安全. Bond is generally an amount of money and/or conditions of release set by the court. Bond is also known as bail.

绑定: 在地区法院进行初步审查或放弃审查后,地区法院决定将重罪案件移交巡回法院.


巡回法院: The felony trial court. If the case is a felony case, 然后巡回法庭将是法官接受认罪或举行审判以决定案件处理的法院. If a felony case goes to jury trial, 然后将选出12名陪审员听取证据并作出有罪或无罪的裁决.

抱怨: The written document which specifies the criminal charge.


被告: The person charged with a crime.

Disposition Hearing: Court proceeding in which a juvenile offender is sentenced. The court decides placement, counseling, or other remedial actions to be taken. This may include placing the person under the close supervision of a probation officer.

Dispositional Review审查少年犯的进展和对处置令的遵守情况的听证会.

地方法院: The misdemeanor trial court. If the case is a misdemeanor case, 然后,区域法院将成为法官接受认罪答辩或举行审判以决定案件处置的法院. If a misdemeanor case goes to jury trial, 然后将选出6名陪审员听取证据并作出有罪或无罪的裁决.


Family Division Of The 巡回法院: 少年审判法庭和/或审理虐待或忽视儿童案件的审判法庭. If the case is a juvenile case or child abuse or neglect case, 然后,巡回法院的家庭庭将是法官接受认罪或举行审判以决定案件结果的法院. If a juvenile felony case goes to trial, 然后12名陪审员将听取证据并作出有罪或无罪的裁决. If it is a misdemeanor case, 然后6名陪审员将听取证据并作出有罪或无罪的裁决.

重罪: 最高可能判处一年以上有期徒刑的严重罪行. 缓刑 can be an alternative to prison in most felony crimes.


少年: A person under the age of 17.


轻罪: 一种比重罪轻的罪行,最高刑罚通常不超过一年的县监狱监禁. A sentence usually involves probation, 牢狱之灾, 一个很好的, or a combination of any or all of these three. Except in certain specific instances, persons convicted of a misdemeanor cannot be sentenced to prison.

运动: Court hearing to answer legal questions.


没有比赛: 当被告不能回忆起他的犯罪行为或可能因其犯罪行为被民事起诉时,使用这种抗辩. 一般, 警方的报告, rather than the defendant's verbal admissions to the 法官, makes up the factual basis for the plea. 判决法官对待被告的方式与通过认罪或审判判决判定他有罪一样. The defendant will have a criminal record.


假释: 假释委员会给予已服完最低刑期的囚犯的社区监督期限, less good time or disciplinary credits if applicable. 在假释期间, 假释犯由密歇根州惩教局的一名雇员监督. At the successful completion of the parole period, the offender is discharged from his or her sentence. If a parolee violates the parole terms, he or she can be sent back to prison. 假释委员会保留管辖权,直到最高刑期在监狱服刑或罪犯被解除假释.

作伪证。 A deliberate lie or untruth regarding a material fact made under oath.

请愿书: A request for criminal charges against a juvenile accused of a crime.

请求: The defendant's response to a criminal charge (guilty, not guilty, or no contest).

辩诉交易: 当事人之间的一种协议,其中被告将在某些条款和条件下认罪或不抗辩,以换取减轻或撤销一项或多项指控.

Preliminary Examination: 地区法院在重罪案件中举行的听证会,以确定是否有可能的理由相信已经发生了重罪并且被告犯了罪.

Pre-Sentence Investigation: 缓刑官对被定罪罪犯的个人和犯罪背景的审查. 还就罪行对受害者生活的影响以及受害者认为判决应包括的内容征求受害者的意见. A report is prepared and read by the 法官 before sentencing.

Pre-Trial Conference: 检察官与被告或其律师之间的非正式会议,以确定案件是否可以不经审判而解决,或确定各方是否已准备好接受审判.

可能的原因: This is a legal standard that governs the detention, arrest and/or formal charges being brought against a criminal defendant. 可能的原因是犯罪发生的证据,并且指定的被告犯下了特定的罪行.

遗嘱检验法院: The court where issues relating to wills, 信托基金, 地产, mental illness petitions, 监护, and conservatorship are decided.

试用期: 监禁:由法院给予被判有罪的重罪犯或轻罪罪犯的社区监督期限,作为监狱或拘留所的替代, although some 法官s may sentence offenders to a combination of both probation and jail. 密歇根州惩教部门监督在量刑法庭管辖下服刑的被定罪的重罪犯.

Prosecuting Attorney: 代表密歇根州人民反对刑事被告的律师. This county elected official is also called the Prosecutor.


赔偿: 一笔钱, determined by the court, 因被告人或未成年人的犯罪行为造成的财产损失或伤害而支付给犯罪被害人的赔偿金.


隔离: At the request of the 律师 or by the court's own initiative, 在律师传唤证人作证之前,证人可以被命令留在法庭外. When a witness completes their testimony, 在所有证人作证和律师结案之前,他们不能自由分享法庭上所说或所做的事情. 这有助于保证证人根据自己的记忆而不是别人的记忆作证.

传票: A court order directing a person to be present at a time and place for a court hearing, usually to testify or bring records.


受害者: A person or entity who suffers direct physical, financial and/or emotional harm as a result of the commission of a crime.


放弃: 放弃:放弃一项权利.

保证: 逮捕令:法院命令执法人员逮捕某人并将其带到法庭的书面命令.